Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Welcome to the Animation Fixation

Hello and welcome to my new blog, "The Animation Fixation", because I have nothing better to do. 

What is "The Animation Fixation"?  Well, aside from a bizarre addiction to cartoons, it's also a repository for my thoughts on all things related to animation.  Whether it be reviews of the latest animated film or a rant about the state of the industry, if I think it, it will probably find its way here. 

What do you cover?  I have a personal preference for western animation.  It's just one of those things.  That said, I will be happy to review anime if there is a demand and I can obtain the relevant DVDs easily and affordably.  I am going to impose an outright rule that hentai shall not be covered here, though, because I don't want to touch that issue with a ten-foot pole. 

What medium do you plan to use?  At present, I'm planning to keep any non-review articles text-based, with pictures where appropriate.  For reviews, I plan to at least attempt them in video form, technology permitting.  Expect the first video review in mid-June. 

How often will you update?  Ah, the most important question to ask of any blogger.  Truthfully, I do not know for sure, but expect at least one post a week, typically around the weekend.  I've written the first draft of my first proper post, so that should be up in a few days at most. 

Your blog design sucks!  Yes, yes it does.  It's very much a work in progress.  In particular, I need a good banner that won't get me sued for copyright infringement.  The rest I'll figure out as I go. 

Who are you?  I don't wish to give out much in the way of personal information here, but I will say that I live in Australia, have a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in English, and am currently writing an honours dissertation on Pixar films.  In short, I have some idea what I'm talking about, though feel free to correct any objective mistakes I make, or just to argue about my opinions. 

Favourite animated films: Most of Pixar's work, Dumbo, The Lion King, The Land Before Time, Watership Down and How to Train Your Dragon.  I always like to find something new, though.  Three of those films were movies I basically took a leap of faith on when watching them for the first time. 

Favourite cartoon series: In no particular order, Sonic the Hedgehog (a.k.a. SatAM), Beast Wars, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 version), The Simpsons (in its prime), Futurama (although I haven't gotten around to watching most of the newer episodes) and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.  Yes, I'm a brony.  Yes, I will undoubtedly be making many pony references in my posts.  In fact, I will probably reference most of these shows a fair amount. 

That should suffice as an introduction.  Comments are always welcome, no matter how trivial, random and/or insulting they might be.  As I have said, my first proper post will be up in the next few days, if not earlier, so keep an eye out if you're reading this. 

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